Study Abroad Podcast is a series of podcasts that are about experiences of people who studied abroad from Pacific University. Students who studied in Australia, Chile, London, Japan, and Germany talk about their experiences and cultural differences. They will also give advice for people who are thinking about study abroad in the future.
Wollongong, Australia
"What are you kidding me!? I don't have an accent, you have an accent."
Valparaiso, Chile
"Realizing how much more there is outside of this world here."
London, England
"...The best six months I've ever spent in any place, really."
Nagoya, Japan
"I miss how happy I was there, and how perfect life seemed..."
Tuebingen, Germany
"I've become more aware and very observant of situations..."
Hi, I'm Soichiro Matahira and from Shizuoka, Japan. This is my second year at Pacific University. I'm studying Media Arts and Chinese. I made this web site and podcasts as my senior project. This project focuses on two things, exploring different cultures because I'm studying abroad in the United States, and I was always wondering how other people who went abroad from Pacific University thought about different countries, and cultures, and also showing what I have learned through my major, Integrated Media. This project may benefit people who are thinking about studying abroad in the future and even people who are interested in different cultures as well.